
Accept swipe, dip, and tap payments from your phone.

Take payments on the go

  • Take card payments in person and savePair the Go app with the credit card reader for your phone and accept swipe, dip, or contactless payments that have lower fees.
  • Easy for everyone to use the Clover Go app is easy to download and intuitive to use so you can start processing sales right away.
  • Works with iOS and AndroidThe app work on all the major operating systems so, no matter what type of phone you use, Clover Go works for you.

A powerful platform to manage your business

  • Sync with other Clover devices stays on top of your business from anywhere, with everything synced to the Clover Dashboard.

  • Configure to suit your needs discount, tip, and tax rates relevant to your business directly through the POS dashboard on your phone.

  • A bird’s eye view of all your transactions see your entire transaction history, including open, pending, and completed transactions whether they’re generated from your mobile card reader or from another Clover device.